Behind the scenes, the Mosaic team is comprised entirely of volunteers who work hard to run things smoothly. Do you want to join the Mosaic team? Here is a peek at who the current officers are and a description of their roles and responsibilities …
Chair: Rosemary Le Fevre
Mosaic Team: Find out in detail what the Rosemary the Chair does behind the scenes
Coordinate and organize committee meetings and the AGM
On the Mosaic Team, the Chair has the responsibility to:
To call meetings, organizing dates, places, and times.
To prepare agendas for AGMs ( with report) and Committee Meetings, and circulate to MADN Membership and Committee Members respectively.
To chair meetings
To ensure the Minutes Secretary takes true minutes and circulates.
To prepare the Annual Report and present it to the membership.
To coordinate all systems, ensuring the smooth running of MADN as a whole and adhering to the aims, objectives, procedures, and guidelines set out in the policy package. The systems include elections, membership, accounts, magazine, events, insurance, licensing, information, and GDPR.
This may involve:
-Giving support to officers/co-ordinators, either practical or moral
– Acting as the ‘nerve centre’ to MADN, having an awareness of current issues- offering a vision to the Committee- decision making: referring all major decisions to the Committee – but if necessary, on rare occasions, making an executive decision in consultation with one other concerned officials, and if funds are involved, the Treasurer.
May be requested to write references and make welcoming addresses etc. at events
Web Mistress
Treasurer: Mary Daniels
Find out here what our Treasurer Mary does behind the scenes on the Mosaic Team
To keep the accounts of MADN in good order.
To keep adequate records of all financial transactions and retain those records for future reference.
To prepare annual accounts, for publication in the Annual Report and for the AGM.
To prepared financial reports for Committee Meetings.
To provide accounting support to the various Coordinators and Teams.
To advise on future subscription levels and spending.
To make sure that there is an appropriate signatory to MADN’s bank account.
To make sure that the Bank corresponds with the Treasurer directly, and the Bank’s records are kept up to date.
To record all financial transactions in the Cashbook, providing sufficient detail to identify the nature of the payment or receipt.
To record all financial transactions in the Bank Reconciliation book, and to reconcile with the monthly bank statement.
To ensure that all payments are done in accordance with the MADN’s expenses policy, and are supported by receipts, bills, expense claim forms, or other documentation, for future reference.
To prepared, if necessary, financial breakdowns and reports for Co-ordinators & Teams.
To provide financial forecasts, in respect of membership subscriptions (for presentation to the AGM), specific events and financial projects (upon request).
To have accounts accepted and signed annually by a qualified person.
Magazine Editor and Advertising: Liz Newman
Mosaic magazine is edited and put together by Liz, find our her role in the Mosaic Team
To plan and coordinate the publication of three magazines per year. To arrange the printing and mailing out of the magazine according to schedule. To liaise with the Treasurer on cost.
To liaise with Chairperson, Treasurer, Membership Secretary and other co-ordinators to ensure they have a ‘voice.’
To co-ordinate the magazine team – delegating as appropriate and necessary. The position may consist of editor, news and reviews editor, advertisements secretary, diary secretary, and network news co-ordinator.
To receive contributions from members; to select and edit items appropriately for printing.
To solicit articles, features, reviews, ads, etc., from members, publications and other sources.
To send out schedules to the magazine team one month before the deadline.
To collate all contributions from the team.
To report to the Chairman and Committee on the production of the magazine.
To ensure the aims and objectives of MADN are followed in the publication of all items.
Membership and Insurance Coordinator: Henrietta Lewis
Find out here what Henrietta does behind the scenes on the Mosaic Team below…
Welcome new and renewing members, provide paperwork
Liaise with the broker regarding any changes in policy and the cost of the premium on renewal.
Coordinate team activities which include: defining acceptance policy, specifying conditions of insurance, considering special applications, and arranging the safety day program.
Produce revised documentation.
Send out information leaflets and application forms.
Keep accurate records of all transactions (telephone & written).
Send out reminders in October.
Send out receipts and revised documentation to those renewing policies.
Answer enquiries.
Organize one ‘Safety Day’ per year (with the help of the Events Team).
Keep insurance broker updated on current members insured.
Report updates to the Chairperson and Committee at meetings.
Ensure MADN policies are followed.
Research, advice, and compliance checking: Maureen Pemberton
Research compliance updates, proposed changes and other things that come up. Help with letter writing and admin. Advice.
Social Media and Promotion: Jane Claridge
To follow MADNMosaic policies (for example, in acceptance of members).
New members: enter application details on the computer and send out the following: membership card, receipt, Chair letter and Magazine.
Renewals – Send out reminders, and make any amendments required to the renewal notice for the Magazine. Send out a final reminder when the next magazine is ready for last year’s members.
Processing will include: Entering membership details into a computer database, producing membership cards and receipts.
Membership List – The MADN Membership List shall be used solely for Mosaic internal purposes and shall not be disclosed in any way for non-MADN purposes. In the event of doubt, the question shall be decided by the full committee.
Magazine – Produce labels as required for Mailing purposes of Magazine, Insurance, and any other required correspondence.
Deal with all enquiries regarding membership and forward any other correspondence/requests to the appropriate person.
Report to Chairman and Committee at meetings. Report to the Membership annually at the AGM
Fiona and Rosemary manage the website find out more of what they do behind the scenes on the Mosaic Team here…
Ensure the website reflects MADN’s aims and objectives whilst adhering to its policies.
Ensure information on the site is accurate and updated as appropriate.
Ensure the site conforms to any appropriate legislation e.g. copyright.
Ensure all links are working.
Events Coordinator Becca Lavery
Events Coordinator Team member Christine Warwick
Here you can see what our events managers do behind the scenes at Mosaic
Organize and run MADN events safely and smoothly. Events may include performances, workshops, festivals, talks, Haflahs, and other events which will promote Arabic dance.
Be responsible for organizing the above events according to membership interests.
Form relationships with venues that have been inspected for suitability of MADN events in accordance with safety policies.
Arrange for a Safety Monitor at each event to ensure all guidelines are met. The Safety Monitor will use the Safety Checklists to facilitate compliance with the Safety Policy and report back to the Events Co-ordinator.
Ensure that the Safety Checklists for events are kept up to date and that Committee members are reminded of Safety Monitor duties at occasional committee meetings.
Have an impact on membership and dance community outside MADN.
Provide social forums to strengthen relationships between MADN members.
Raise enough funds to balance the ‘events’ budget or possibly make an overall profit.
Report to Committee and follow MADN aims and objectives.
As soon as event dates are set, inform the Information Officers (for no-clash calendar), and advertise in the magazine (half or full page, plus Dance Diary and Back Cover).
Minutes Secretary: Position available due to retirement.
To make an accurate record of proceedings in the minutes’ book at each committee meeting and AGM
To type and circulate the minutes of committee meetings to committee members, with action, deadline, and person responsible highlighted, within 2-3 weeks of the meeting if practical. To make AGM minutes available at the subsequent AGM
Alma Kirkman
Member representative on the Mosaic Team