Join Mosaic Dance Network and enjoy a warm welcome to an ever-growing Network of Diverse Dancers from around the Globe…
Mosaic interactive GDPR mandatory form 2024-25
Membership only with the paper magazine: £35
Membership with online magazine: £35
Membership & paper magazine & Insurance for UK based members: £135
Membership & online magazine & Insurance for UK based members: £135
Please pay by bacs. We have an online gdpr form. This still has the old prices on but please fill out anyway until we have the new form prepared. Thank you
Mosaic Arabic Dance Network
Natwest Bank
Sort Code: 51-70-15
Account number: 78531721
a. Our PayPal address is:
1. Our newest option is Universal: Mosaic Online Membership £35.00
2. Secondly we offer: Mosaic UK Membership + Paper Magazine £35.00
3. Thirdly: International Membership with Paper Magazine £40.00 4. Another new choice is UK Mosaic Online +Insurance £135.00
5. Lastly Mosaic UK Membership Paper Magazine +Insurance £135.00
From our oldest magazine and membership choice to the newest option, the online magazine, whatever your circumstances, it means you can read your Mosaic pretty much anywhere in the world…
A warm welcome to an ever-growing Network of Diverse Dancers from around the Globe. From Belly Dancers, teachers and performers of Raqs Sharqi, North African Dance, Tribal, to Goth, Fusion and MENHAT styles and more, Mosaic is a network that unites us all… Mosaic offers an online or paper magazine plus UK Insurance for performance and teaching.
When you join Mosaic Dance Network you will have a convenient choice of the online or glossy magazine plus UK Insurance for performance and teaching.
Firstly, we have a wide range of membership choices like our newest Universal global online Mosaic option. Then our traditional membership with bespoke Belly Dance insurance for performers and teachers which covers our dance styles including props. Next, we have the option for a paper magazine to be sent abroad.
Further to membership, we must ask you to complete a GDPR form to help us be compliant. Also, so we know what info we can publish about you and where – we need to hear from you. It is no longer correct to opt out for GDPR which was protocol, for this reason, we need your opt-in permission for us to hold your data. When you open the link to the form, please download, fill out and send it to
We do all we can to be GDPR compliant, but we need your help, so please help us by sending in your form so we can keep your details up to date on file
Here is a link to the UK gov updates on GDPR Importantly, GDPR remains applicable in domestic law, but the UK maintains the right to reform it to suit its combined countries’ needs. Therefore we must work with you in order to follow these rules.
Mosaic Magazine Online is accessible, large print and vocal available
Mosaic is suitable for those with alternative needs and aims to be accessible. For this reason, the online version can be listened and also you can zoom it bigger for large print reading. However, if you have further reading option needs, then please, most importantly get in touch to discuss this as we may be able to help.
Join Mosaic Dance Network and enjoy a convenient choice of the online or glossy paper quarterly Magazine which is full of dance tips, history, culture, events and more …
Furthermore, we are always looking for content. If you feel like writing on any dance-related topic contact us, we can even help edit so there is every reason to share your thoughts with the Mosaic Dance community!!
And finally, because many people prefer BACS, we have kept this option open *Prices as above, so please state on ref what it is for
* Note: Membership/Insurance/Gdpr form needed when you join Mosaic