Maria D’Silva – A Life in Dance

Question What advice would you give a young dancer?

Simply work hard on your craft perfecting technique, understand the music, the culture of the people is an important factor, to be able to grasp and respect the art form. It is important to explore all forms of the dance within one that is chosen eg. Egyptian Dance, study the folkloric roots of the dance, classical, baladi, oriental etc. I recommend study from knowledgeable teachers who are willing to share their skills and experiences and who are encouraging. Find your own style and bring out your own personality to make you unique as a dancer and most of all enjoy what you are doing.

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The Beauty of ATS® by Nirzari

When you think of American Tribal Style® Bellydance what do you see? Tassels and turbans…big skirts and bloomers..kuchi covered costumes…zills? Do you think of beautiful, flowing improvisational dance?

Two words come to straight into my mind:community and connection. The true beauty of ATS® is the connection it gives us to other dancers, other people.

Article from the current issue of the Magazine no.66 Summer 2015
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Raising the Profile of Belly Dance by Kay Taylor

Do you teach? Are you struggling with low class numbers? I think one of the things we need to do as a belly dance community is to raise the profile of belly dance. We need to work together, share ideas and get word out there.

I am a committee member of the JTA (JWAAD Teachers Association) Watch this space:

Article from the current issue of the Magazine no.67 Winter 2015
To read more of this article and others, join MADN and receive the magazine.

The Healing Benefits of Bellydance by Kathleen Kiernan

As belly dances we all know that we have fallen deeply in love with this art form. It provides us with a deep sense of camaraderie and very often leads to a sense of greater self esteem and confidence.

The Spring 2016 issue (no.68) of the magazine has a theme of why belly dancing is good for you.

To read more of this article and others, join MADN and receive the magazine.